Welcome to Feierabend Fundamentals

A Tuneful, Beatful, Artful community of music teachers seeking

professional development offerings hosted by the

Feierabend Association For Music Education


Virtual presentations by FAME Endorsed Teacher Trainers and content expert guest speakers.

FAME Certification Courses

First Steps in Music

Conversational Solfege 1 & 2

Conversational Solfege Upper Levels

FAME Recommended Electives

FAME recommended electives are peer-reviewed workshops focusing on Feierabend Fundamentals.

Learn More About FAME Courses

Our mission is to build tuneful, beatful, and artful learners throughout the world, ensuring a lifetime of joyful music making. 

FAME is dedicated to promoting and supporting the work of Dr. John Feierabend You can play a direct role in supporting FAME’s mission by simply becoming a member. In addition, your membership will provide you the benefit of being connected to a network of like-minded individuals committed to the work of Dr. Feierabend, as well as access to online resources for your own growth and support. Connect, network, and access a wealth of knowledge now by becoming a member of FAME!


Learn More About FAME Professional Development

The Feierabend Association for Music Education (FAME) was founded in 2012 to celebrate and share the unique teachings of Dr. John Feierabend.

At FAME, we believe:

All people have the potential to become tuneful, beatful, and artful. Skills in these areas should be developed as early as possible in childhood. Developing these skills will contribute to a society of musical people who seek opportunities to sing together, dance together, and who are moved by expressive music.


Musical Childhood, Musical Adults, Joyful Community

Visit the FAME Website

The FAME website offers a variety of resources including the schedule of events listing all certification courses and membership resource assets.

Click for FAME Homepage